Group presenting large check to man in wheelchair.

Empowering Individuals to Live Courageously

Our Team
Our team is made up of the dedicated family and friends of Danielle Kirrane. Inspired by Danielle, we have come together to help make a difference and believe that we can keep finding ways to give back.

Our History
"It is better to live one day as a lion, than 100 years as a sheep," was the quote that Danielle Kirrane not only loved but became known for living.

After being diagnosed with ALS in 2018, Danielle lived every day thereafter, determined to prove her doctors wrong. Leaving no stone unturned, Danielle boldly fought against the odds and met her daunting case head-on. Although she lost her battle on February 23, 2021, we can so admirably express that, mentally, she was never defeated. Mentally - Danielle won.

In honor of her strength, we decided to give aid to others in her memory.

On September 22, 2021, we held the 1st Annual Danielle Kirrane Memorial Golf Outing. Since that time we have raised over $120,000. Thanks to the generosity and support of our participants and sponsors, we have been able to donate to ALS United Great New York and become one the top donors to this amazing organization, as well as provide equipment and financial assistance to our first responders and their families.

Due to the generosity of participants, we were able to also assist first responders and their families who have been affected by ALS, brain cancer, and other life-threatening illnesses.

Our Mission
To assist those suffering from impossible causes to live like a lion and fight another day.